Every New Day Brings a New Opportunity
A Brighter Future is Possible with Help From the Oklahoma County Treatment Courts
Our treatment providers, probation, defense, prosecution, law enforcement, and judges want to see their participants succeed. Participants get individualized, evidence-based treatment and gain the tools they need for rehabilitation. Many are able to secure employment, housing, and further their education.
What are Treatment Courts?
Treatment Courts are an innovative alternative to incarceration with emphasis on accountability, intensive monitoring and treatment for individuals charged with felony offenses and moderate to severe substance use disorders. Treatment Court removes defendants from the clogged courtrooms of the traditional criminal justice system, placing them in a new type of courtroom environment where they undergo treatment and counseling, make regular appearances before the judge, and are monitored closely for program compliance.
Treatment Courts are the most successful and efficient programs in our criminal justice system. Our participants enter the program with a substance use disorder and/or serious mental illness and were often facing long prison sentences, but because of the combination of treatment and accountability they receive, they are now reuniting with their families, employed and thriving in our communities.
How do we help?
Oklahoma County Treatment Court is a post-plea, pre-sentence program for high-risk offenders with a moderate to severe substance use disorder. We accept a variety of criminal charges, excluding violent crimes and drug trafficking. The program takes a minimum of 18 months to complete – the active treatment phases (1-4) are designed to be completed in 12 months with Aftercare designed to be completed in 6 months. Special circumstances must be found for an individual to be allowed to remain in the program beyond 36 months.
The five-phase program consists of intensive supervision of clients by a probation officer, frequent appearances before the Treatment Court judge, mandatory substance use treatment (co-occurring treatment available), substance use testing through urinalysis, as well as other healthy lifestyle changes that may be helpful on a case-by-case basis. The five phases of the program are based on minimum time frames as well as personal milestone development at each phase. When the minimum time frames and the participant’s personal milestones have been met, participants will advance to the following phase. At the conclusion of the fifth phase, Aftercare, the participant will be allowed to graduate.
Treatment Courts Work!
1,464 Graduates
Since January 2016
$180,072,000 Saved
It costs $19,000 per year to incarcerate someone, while Drug Court only costs $5,000 per person per year.
10,248 Years Saved
Based on an average of 7 years sentence.

Treatment Courts (Drug/DUI/Mental Health/Veterans) are the most successful and efficient programs in our criminal justice system. Our Treatment Court graduates entered our programs with a substance use disorder and/or serious mental illness and were often facing long prison sentences, but because of the combination of treatment and accountability they received, they are now reunited with their families, employed and thriving in our community.

Learn More About Each Program
Drug & DUI Court
Through individualized, evidence-based treatment, participants gain the tools they need for rehabilitation.
Mental Health Court
Mental health court is designed to divert individuals with a mental illness, developmental disability or co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorder from a jail or prison sentence.
Veteran's Court
Veterans court provides treatment, accountability, and mentoring while helping connect justice-involved Veterans with the benefits they have earned.