Drug and DUI Court
Drug court breaks the cycle of addiction in families and treats substance use disorders by delivering services needed to support lifelong recovery. Participants are able to secure employment, stable housing, and further their education which supports their success and restores hope for the future. Proven to save lives and reduce crime, drug court also reduces emergency room admissions, recidivism, and foster care placements. Drug courts are the single most successful criminal justice intervention for seriously addicted offenders.
DUI court provides an alternative to traditional sentencing for a DUI offense in Oklahoma County. Similar to drug court, DUI court provides a holistic approach to treating alcohol and substance use that includes individualized, evidence-based treatment. DUI court gives participants the tools and accountability needed to break the cycle of addiction and support lifelong recovery.
Support and Services for Lifelong Recovery
Drug & DUI Court Stats
From 2018 - 2021
83% Graduation Rate
584 Graduates
From 2018-2021
4,088 Years Saved
Based on an average sentance of 7 years in prison
Hundreds of Children
Regained a sober, flourishing parent

Apply for Drug & DUI Court
Want to help out?
Support our community by donating to the Oklahoma County Drug Court Fiscal Sponsorship Fund.